It is a gardener’s greatest buddy to have baking soda, right? This is the reason why


Fungus Fight: Baking soda is an excellent fungicide that may be used to help prevent and manage fungal infections that can affect plants, such as powdery mildew. In order to prevent fungal diseases from occurring, you should spray the damaged plants with a mixture that contains one tablespoon of baking soda and one gallon of water.
Pest Repellent: Say goodbye to pests without having to depend on chemicals that are damaging to your health. The use of baking soda may be effective in warding off common garden pests such as slugs, ants, and aphids. Mixing one teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of dish soap, and water together can result in the creation of a natural spray that is effective against pests. The plants will be protected from the unwelcome guests if you spray it on them.
The taste of tomatoes may be sweetened by using baking soda, which can also be used to cook tomatoes. One way to lessen the acidity of the soil surrounding tomato plants is to sprinkle a tiny quantity of baking soda around the base of the plants. This will result in fruits that are sweeter and more tasty.
Weed Killer: Are you sick and tired of fighting weeds on your own? The use of baking soda may be of great assistance. In order to prevent the development of weeds, you may either sprinkle baking soda directly on the weeds or in the crevices of the walkways. In comparison to artificial weed killers, this is a natural and risk-free option.