This list contains ten things that should never be connected to a power strip.


3. Is it possible to get surge protection by using a power strip?

There are power strips that come equipped with surge protection features that are built in, which may assist in protecting your electronic gadgets from power surges. On the other hand, surge protection is not often included in all power strips; thus, it is vital to study the product specifications before making a purchase. It is also important to keep in mind that surge prevention does not ensure protection against overloading.

4. Is it healthy to keep a power strip plugged in all the time? That is the question.

It is vital to disconnect a power strip during electrical storms or when it is not being used for a long length of time in order to decrease the danger of power surges and associated risks. Although it is normally safe to keep a power strip plugged in, it still has to be unplugged. In addition, at regular intervals, the power strip should be inspected for any indications of wear or damage.