How to Cook Spaghetti Squash


If you’re looking to introduce a new and unique ingredient to your family dinners, look no further than spaghetti squash. This vibrant yellow vegetable isn’t just visually appealing; it’s also rich in flavor and texture, making it a fabulous stand-in for traditional spaghetti, especially for those with gluten sensitivities. Its natural, stringy texture post-cooking mimics the consistency of pasta, offering a delicious base for your favorite sauces. Not only is it a delightful dish to experience, but it’s also packed with vitamins and minerals, giving your family both taste and nutrition in one go.

A forkful of spaghetti squash.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is spaghetti squash a type of pasta
Can I cook spaghetti squash in an air fryer?
How do I cut a spaghetti squash?
Can I roast spaghetti squash seeds?
Can I flavor spaghetti squash like regular pasta?