Air Fryer Hard Boiled Eggs


Chef’s Secret

The key to perfect hard-boiled eggs in the air fryer is all about timing. Cooking eggs at 250°F for 14 minutes will result in soft-boiled eggs with runny or very soft yolks. For hard-boiled eggs with solid yolks, cook for 16-17 minutes. Cooking eggs for more than 17 minutes can result in a greenish-gray ring around the yolk, indicating that they are overcooked.

Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs

Peeling hard-boiled eggs can sometimes be a tricky and messy task, but with air fryer cooked eggs, it’s actually quite easy. After chilling the eggs in an ice bath, gently tap the eggs on a hard surface to crack the shells, then gently roll the eggs between your hand and the surface to loosen the shell. The shell should come off easily, leaving you with a perfectly cooked egg ready to enjoy.

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