Here are natural tips for cleaning your iron


3 – Lemon

Whether to accompany your dishes or to help you lose weight, lemon is a citrus fruit with multiple benefits. Used by our grandmothers to clean every nook and cranny of their homes,  you will be surprised to learn that no stain will resist lemon , not even those from your iron. Cut a lemon in half and rub it directly on your iron. Rinse with a damp cloth. A simple but no less effective method.

4 – Baking soda

Anyone who is keen on cleaning knows how  essential baking soda is.  It is therefore no surprise that we find it in this list. Mix baking soda with hot water before dipping a cloth in it, rub the sole of your iron before cleaning with a clean sponge.

5 – Oxygenated water

Another tip that has the merit of being simple  is to simply use hydrogen peroxide. A cloth and some elbow grease will allow you to obtain a clear result!