How to permanently eliminate cockroaches with baking soda and sugar


How to eliminate cockroaches
1. Traps

A very interesting trap is to place small boxes or containers in the places where cockroaches hide. There we will put aromatic plants that scare them away as well as home remedies that eliminate them completely.

2. Insecticide
To make the right choice of insecticide , first of all, you must choose a product that is not for professional use. Even if it is not harmful or toxic for the family, we must look for the most suitable and highly effective one in the supermarket.

3. Keep food in closed containers
This is a very successful measure and serves to prevent the appearance of cockroaches. We all know that open containers and cans attract cockroaches. Additionally, if they are already in the dining rooms, they will not touch the food and therefore be contaminated.

4. Baits
Baits are also very effective and come in pill, powder or gel form. The recommendation is to place them in strategic parts, such as near doors, in cracks, drawers or under appliances.

It is a super effective and very exterminating method.

5. Baking soda and sugar
It is well known that sugar attracts insects and baking soda also keeps this pest away. Another suggestion is to use borax combined with sugar, both components are enhanced to exterminate them.