How to permanently eliminate cockroaches with baking soda and sugar


However, we are going to focus on the mixture between baking soda and sugar, which are ingredients that we surely already have at home. We mix both ingredients well until forming a good consistency. After this we are going to need some caps like those for soda or soda where we will place the homemade mixture in small portions.

This trap works like this. Sugar attracts these little bugs, therefore, when they approach and ingest it, the baking soda has an effect on their stomach, which causes swelling and they finally end up dying.

6. Sticky traps
In the case of adhesive traps, they will not exterminate the cockroaches on their own but they will remain strongly adhered and ready to receive some insecticide to put an end to them.

Let’s apply these homemade methods and we will no longer have to deal with this disgusting pest. Just by trying one or more of these suggestions we will eliminate cockroaches once and for all.

Other recommendations:
Aromatic plants help a lot in this fight to combat cockroaches, especially mint, bay leaf or garlic, apparently they have a property that keeps cockroaches away.

Another trick that never fails is deep cleaning at home and proper maintenance, particularly in the bathroom and kitchen, where these disgusting insects are most found. Let’s remember to do all this in the hot season, because that is when this pest appears the most and it is the ideal time to put an end to it.