Tea bag in the toilet, why should you throw it there before going to bed?


After drinking afternoon tea, you will no longer throw the sachet in the trash, because it is suitable for counteracting the bad smell of the toilet. Let’s see what to do.

To solve this problem, depending on the smell, you can take one or two tea bags , which should be placed in the toilet and left overnight, so that they act sufficiently.

The next day, it is necessary to remove the bag, stretch the thread so that it does not come into contact with the toilet water, and then scrub the inner walls and bottom of the toilet with a special brush.

As soon as you flush the toilet, the bad smell disappears ! The tea bags will have contributed not only to eliminating the smell of the toilet, at the same time to disinfecting it and leaving it cleaner and whiter than ever, and this is due to the cleaning and sanitizing characteristics of the tea bags.

You can also place 2 tea bags in 500ml of hot water for about 5 minutes maximum and add the mixture to the toilet. Once the rest time has elapsed, we proceed as before. This mixture also helps make the water less calcareous.