Thanks to this product you will no longer iron your laundry at home: goodbye to creases


Iron the creases
In the middle there is the most widespread category lately, that is, those who iron only what is strictly necessary both for problems related to time and because they are not interested in ironing towels too, for example.
Finally, there is the category of those who have completely abandoned their iron, if they have one, in favor of a less aggressive spin cycle and taking care to hang out their laundry well.

In each of these cases, however, it may happen that creases form on the clothes and perhaps there is no possibility of using the iron , or simply attaching it to smooth out a crease would be a waste. So how to solve it?

As mentioned among the techniques to avoid using the iron, it all starts with adequate washing. A centrifuge that is not too powerful helps to avoid excessively wrinkling the clothes and hanging them properly will make things even easier. However, there are fabrics or garments that are impossible not to iron. So let’s see how to remedy it in a simple way with the ingredients you have at home.